Can I cancel my reservation?
If you wish to cancel your reservation, Rent-a-Tent will charge cancellation costs in accordance with the [booking conditions](/booking conditions). Cancellations can only be made in writing, stating your reservation number. Rent-a-Tent cannot process cancellations made by telephone.
The same applies to partial cancellations. There is a partial cancellation when you shorten the travel period of your reservation and/or when you cancel one or more accommodations from your reservation.
Cancellations can only be made by the applicant, the person who made the reservation. In all cases, you must await confirmation of receipt of your cancellation request, indicating that your cancellation has been received and processed.
What is the cost if I want to cancel a reservation?
In case of cancellation between the reservation date and 8 weeks before arrival at the accommodation, 30% of the rent, the total cancellation insurance and reservation costs will be charged.
In case of cancellation between 8 weeks before arrival at the accommodation and the day of arrival itself, the full travel sum will be charged.
Will the costs of my cancellation be compensate?
If you have taken out cancellation insurance, it is possible that the cancellation costs will be reimbursed by your insurance. You should contact your insurer for this.
If you have taken out insurance when making your reservation, you will be insured through Allianz Global Assistance. Allianz Global Assistance can be reached on: (+31) 020 561 8711.
The insurer will assess your cancellation request, Rent-a-Tent has no influence on the outcome of this request and unfortunately cannot mediate in this.
Will I receive confirmation that I canceled?
Yes, after your reservation has been canceled you will receive a cancellation note from Rent-a-Tent. You can submit this cancellation note to your insurance company for possible compensation.
Can I cancel due to the Coronavirus?
Currently, the regular booking conditions apply, until the actual opening dates of our accommodations. Rent-a-Tent follows the news and looks at what measures need to be taken for the safety and health of our guests per day, per campsite and per travel purpose. If your reservation is booked and at the time of departure it is not possible to arrive at your destination, we will inform you personally by telephone and email. We will then look for a suitable and personal solution together with you.
If you want to change the booking to a different period later in the season, another campsite or destination, you can discuss the possibilities in consultation with the reservations department. Change costs may be charged for this.
I made a reservation and what happens with it?
At this point, your reservation can most likely go ahead. If the travel advice due to the Coronavirus changes shortly before arrival at a campsite or destination, our reservations department will inform you personally by telephone or email about your reservation and the current situation. We will then look for a suitable solution together with you.